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The Greco-Persian Wars

Posted by Sonia Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In the east the expansion of Persia's Achaemenid Empire led to confrontations with the Greek cities of Asia Minor. With the support of Athens and Eretria these cities rebelled against the Persian king Darius I in 499 BC, and the rebellions were not finally suppressed until 493 BC. Darius then demanded the submission of all the mainland Greek cities, but Athens and Sparta refused. In 492 BC Darius sent out a punitive mission, which backfire after most of the Persian fleet was lost in storms around Mount Athos. When Eretria was sacked in 490 BC Greece was divided on how to respond, but the Athenians and a small Plataean force took the initiative and defeated the Persians at Marathon that year. Infuriated, Darius's successor Xerxes prepared an even larger invasion, to which many of the Greek city-states responded by mounting their first united force, led by Sparta.

The Athenian leader Themistocles interpreted the oracular pronouncement that they should rely on Athens's wooden walls to mean strengthening their navy, and he enlarged the fleet to 180 ships. The first confrontation took place in 480 BC at thermopylae, where the Spartan King Leonidas held out bravely but was defeated. After inflicting considerable losses on the Persian navy at Artemisium in 480 BC, the Athenians withdrew to the Bay of Salamis. They knew they could not defeat the Persians on land and so left their city to the enemy, who burned Athens to the ground. The huge Persian fleet followed the Athenian navy to Salamis but was unable to manoeuvre within the narrow straits there and was obliterated in 480 BC. The following year, at Plataea, the Persian land army suffered a similar fate at the hands of the Spartans, and the Greeks dealt the Persians the final blow in 479 BC at Mount Mycale, where the Persian troops had taken refuge. The small and independent Greek city-states had managed to defeat the greatest empire at that time.


Former Yugoslavia, Albania

Posted by Sonia Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The wars that began in 1991, when Yugoslavia broke up and five new sovereign states emerged, were Europe’s most violent conflicts since 1945. In 2006, although foreign intervention and mediation had stopped the fighting, the presence of international peacekeeping forces was still found necessary to prevent further large-scale bloodshed.

After the 1939–45 war, in which Yugoslavia and Albania came under German and Italian control, communists took power there. They were not occupied by Soviet forces, but at first they followed the Soviet line. (Yugoslavia was then quarrelling with the western allies over Trieste, a mainly Italian-peopled city; British and American forces stayed there until 1954, when Yugoslavia agreed to let Italy keep Trieste.)

In 1948, Yugoslavia broke with the USSR. This rift disrupted the Albanian–Yugoslav–Bulgarian backing of communist rebels in northern Greece, the last of whom withdrew into Bulgaria in 1949. With western help, Yugoslavia withstood Soviet pressure for several years. It cultivated links with ‘third-world’ countries, and in 1961 the ‘non-aligned’ movement was founded at a conference in Belgrade (6). Albania sided with the USSR against Yugoslavia in 1948, then with China against the USSR in 1961. In 1978 it broke with China, and for 12 years it was the most isolated of communist states, still ruled by ‘Stalinists’ – who, however, failed to end old internal antagonisms: between Albania’s Gheg northern highlanders and Tosk southerners, between its Muslim majority and Christian minority. And the presence of a Greek minority in southern Albania complicated its relations with Greece. Meanwhile Yugoslavia’s 2.5 million Albanians posed problems. Serbia, one of Yugoslavia’s six republics, contained an ‘autonomous region’, Kosovo, whose people were mainly Albanian.

In 1989, after recurrent violence, Serbia’s communist rulers abolished Kosovo’s autonomy. Discontent and a wish to break away increased among its Albanians. Then the ‘wind of change’ that was blowing through eastern Europe reached Yugoslavia. In 1990 its Slovenian and Croatian republics held their first free elections and ousted their communist bosses. Their demands for a loosening of the federation were rejected; Serbia, the largest of Yugoslavia’s republics, was still run by communists, and Serbs, although only 35% of Yugoslavia’s population, dominated its armed forces. In 1991, Slovenia and Croatia declared their independence.

The Serb-led Yugoslav army withdrew from Slovenia after making only a brief attempt to subdue it. Independent Slovenia was then left in peace. In Croatia, however, the Yugoslav army helped the Serbs, who made up 12% of the population, to take over areas forming a third of its territory (expelling all Croats from those areas). A ‘republic of Serbian Krajina’ was proclaimed, with its capital at Knin. In 1992 the United Nations secured a saved about 3 million people from starvation, but mediation by the European Union and the UN failed to restore a united Bosnia. By 1994, however, UN economic sanctions imposed on Serbia had led it to reduce its support for the Bosnian Serb forces; and the Bosnian Croats and Muslims had been induced to stop fighting each other. In 1995 the Bosnian Serbs’ massacre of 8,000 Muslims at Srebrenica outraged world opinion, and their persistent attacks on Sarajevo brought retaliation by NATO aircraft which made them pull back. The Muslims and Croats then made gains at their expense in western Bosnia. Meanwhile Croatia had recaptured all the Serb-held parts of its territory except Eastern Slavonia, where another UN force was installed.

In 1995 negotiations at Dayton in the United States produced a peace pact for Bosnia. In principle it would be one country; in practice it would comprise two ‘entities’. The Serbs, who then held 48% of its territory, were assigned 49%, the rest going to the Muslim–Croat ‘federation’. Peacekeeping forces were organized under NATO direction. Elections in 1996 produced a new Bosnian presidency and parliament; but the three communities still controlled their separate areas and the UN remained in ultimate control, charged with oversight of the procedures agreed at Dayton. Brutal ‘ethnic cleansing’ – not all by Serbs – and postwar migration caused almost complete segregation between the two ‘entities’.

In 1991, Macedonia followed Slovenia and Croatia in declaring its independence. A small UN force was sent to Macedonia to discourage ‘Yugoslav’ (i.e. Serb) moves against it, and by 1996 these neighbours had established normal relations. Greece, however, accused the new state of aiming to annex the Greek region of Macedonia, and demanded that it should change its name and its flag (which showed an ancient Macedonian symbol). Landlocked Macedonia, whose main outlet is Greece’s port of Salonika, was hard hit by a Greek ban on trade, which American mediation ended in 1995. Macedonia agreed to change its flag, but the dispute about the name was unresolved. The new state had been admitted to the UN in 1993 under the name of ‘Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ (FYROM). It faced yet another problem, in the shape of a large Albanian minority, concentrated in areas near the Albanian frontier, where demands for autonomy led to rebellion in 2001. NATO intervention ended the conflict after a few months, and a peace agreement included some devolution of power to local governments and official status for the Albanian language. In 2005 the EU accepted Macedonia (officially FYROM) as a candidate for

The remainder of Yugoslavia continued to use that name until 2003, when it was renamed Serbia and Montenegro. Montenegro voted for independence in a 2006 referendum. The southern region of Kosovo had less success in breaking away from Serbia. Though 90% Albanian in population today, Kosovo was the centre of the Serbian state in medieval times. It was part of Serbia during the communist period, gaining autonomy in 1974. After this was withdrawn by Serbia in 1989 (see above), the Albanians sought renewed autonomy or independence, first by peaceful means. Civil war in the late 1990s led to NATO air strikes in 1999 that forced the Serbian military out of Kosovo. Since then, Kosovo has been controlled by the UN while remaining formally part of Serbia. The success of future negotiation on independence or greater autonomy is linked to Serbia’s desire for EU membership – not possible with an ongoing territorial dispute.

Fuente: Atlas of World Affairs

The Byzantine Empire 1025-1096

Posted by Sonia Sunday, November 28, 2010

When the Byzantine warrior emperor Basil II died in 1025 he left an empire that had doubled in size during his reign and presented a serious Challenger to its Muslim neighbours. Unfortunately for the Byzantines, subsequent emperors could not maintain the impetus achieved under Basil. They became embroiled in the ecclesiastical politics that provoked the "Great Schism" of 1054 - a theological split between the Orthodox and Western churches that has effectively lasted ever since. The schism invited hostility from the West at a time when Muslim power was regrouping.

Norman adventurers took control of what was left of Byzantine southern Italy, just as a renewed Muslim offensive by Seljuk Turks culminated in the Battle of Manzikert (1071) - a Byzantine defeat that wiped out the eastern gains of Basil II and established the Muslim state of Iconium (Konya) in the heart of what had once been Christian Anatolia.

Fuente: Philip's atlas

The Early Greece

Posted by Sonia Friday, November 26, 2010

The origins of the Greek civilization remain intractably obscure, but it is certain that the 5th millennium witnessed a startling expansion of trade and cultural interchanges.

The origin of the Greeks is a still much-debated subject. Greek is part of the Indo-European language group, and earlier scholars associated it with a branch of the "Aryan" people, emerging from somewhere in central Asia. Waves of these settlers who spoke different dialects supposedly invaded Greece and subjected the indigenous populations. According to this theory, the last of these invasions, that of the Dorians, brought about the destruction of the Bronze Age civilization of Mycenae (around 1200 bc). Given the undoubtedly dubious racial theories underlying much of this reconstruction, recent scholars have treated it more sceptically. But it has to be admitted that our knowledge of prehistoric Greece, and of the transitions between the Neolithic, Bronze Age and Archaic-Classical worlds is still quite limited.

Crete (particularly Knossos) and Thessaly have provided the most information on the Neolithic phases, the 7th to 4h millennia bc, during which agriculture and animal domestication became widespread. Archaeology has suggested that there were new populations, but equally the changes could be the result of local populations having stronger contacts with other regions. Some Cretan pottery, for example, has similarities with that of western Anatolia. The stimulus in Thessaly was probably from the other cultures of the northern Balkan regions. As yet, there is only evidence of much smaller, scattered settlement in southern Greece.

From 5000 there was an expansion of the trade routes, and, perhaps as a result, greater settlement throughout the Cyclades and Crete. Obsidian from Melos has been found at Knossos and in Thessaly, showing that wide-ranging trade began early. Other island sites, such as Saliagos and Grotta (on Naxos), reveal that there were connections with, and influences from, the eastern Aegean. Some Cycladic pottery also shows Anatolian influence. In the eastecrn Mediterránean, Cyprus became important in the trade networks of the Bronze Age. By the end of the Bronze Age there are signs of settlement by Greek-speakers in Cyprus.

The archaeological phases of the Bronze Age (3300-1000 bc) have been named according to their pottery development: Minoan on Crete, Helladic for the mainland and Cycladic for the islands. These are grouped into longer phases termed Prepalatial (3300—2100), First (2100—1700), Second (1700—1450) and Third (1450—1200) Palace Periods and Postpalatial, the more precise dating of the pottery phases is achieved through the connec¬tions with Cyprus, western Asia and Egypt (although there are still academic disputes about detail). These phases saw the growth and flourishing of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, and their eventual collapse.

On the mainland there is evidence for monumental buildings and fortifications developing during the Prepalatial period, notably at Lerna and Tiryns. The function of these structures is still uncertain, but many archaeologists have assumed that they were temples or palaces. Whatever their purpose, they indicate a process of state-formation.
Crete provides us with the earliest evidence for the development of larger settlements. The principal ones, such as Knossos, Phaistos, Gournia and Khania, can be termed towns, having public spaces, a fairly regular layout of streets, and multi-roomed houses. These towns came to be dominated by the assive palace complexes. Knossos was already a large settlement at the begining of the Bronze Age and eventually became pre-eminent amongst the Cretan towns. Some of the larger Cretan centres were probably “capitals" of territories with smaller towns and villages subject to them. Most of the population of these towns was engaged in agricultural work, although there must have been increasing numbers of artisans and administrators, as well as "traders" Writing developed on Crete, probably as a result of contacts with western Asia, the earlier form "Linear A" in the Second Palace Period, and the more sophisticated "Linear B" in the early Third Palace Period.

Fuente: Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece

The Spanish Armada

Posted by Jose Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Gaza Strip

Posted by Jose Thursday, November 11, 2010


The Revolt of the Netherlands 1568-1648

Posted by Jose Friday, November 5, 2010


The Byzantine Empire and The Crusades

Posted by Jose Monday, November 1, 2010


The Boers War of 1899-1902

Posted by Jose Saturday, October 30, 2010


World Wide Two - Europe 1942

Posted by Jose Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fuente: Wiki

Fuente: Wiki


The Malaspina Expedition

Posted by Jose Sunday, October 24, 2010


Egypt at the time of Pharaoh Ramses II

Posted by Jose Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Source: Wiki


The Mediterranean Sea before the Punic Wars

Posted by Jose Monday, October 18, 2010


The Spread of Islam

Posted by Jose


Treaty of Verdun - The Breakdown of the Carolingian Empire

Posted by Jose Sunday, October 17, 2010

Expansion of the carolingian empire

Treaty of Verdun - The Breakdown of the Carolingian Empire

Fuente: Wiki, Historia 16

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